Blog Comments Policy

I envision creating a space for growth and community by fostering interaction through blog comments on this site. We welcome and encourage blog comments, but in some instances, we may edit or delete them as follows:

  • We will delete comments deemed as spam or purely promotional. You may include a link to relevant content, but ensure your comment relates to the post topic.
  • Secondly, we will delete comments containing profanity.
  • Thirdly, we will delete comments with language or concepts considered offensive, including abusive, threatening, pornographic, misleading, or libelous language.
  • Fourthly, we will delete comments attacking an individual directly.
  • Fifthly, we will delete comments that harass other contributors. Please maintain respect for others.
  • Lastly, we accept comments from users who identify themselves. Posts without the sender’s name will appear as anonymous.

The blog owner reserves the right to edit or delete any submitted comments without notice. This comment policy may change at any time. If you have questions about our commenting policy, please contact us at

This site and blog aim to provide public service information and education. We do not offer counseling services through this site, but you can schedule an appointment at Kimberly’s office locations in Acworth or Cartersville. If you experience a crisis or have thoughts of self-harm or harming others, call 911 or visit your local emergency room.

To schedule an appointment for professional counseling services, please call or email Kimberly directly (link to the contact page).

Those are the rules! We are thrilled to have you visit and share your thoughts. Thank you for participating in our online community, and we look forward to fostering a positive, engaging, and supportive space for all our readers.